Dog Savvy Los Angeles

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Lola B.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - See the original review on Google.

When I adopted my rescue dog called Roli I had no idea she would have separation anxiety, or indeed what that was. After a few weeks I discovered I could not leave her alone at all! It was pretty difficult to manage day to day life constantly worrying about whether she was okay. When I met Alexandra she was so calm and reassuring I was immediately relieved.

Using the help of Dog Savvy and Alexandras virtual 8 week training program I am happy to report Roli is thrilled to stay home by herself and I can lead a totally normal life, leaving her at home and relaxed when need be!

Initially I was a little concerned that meeting virtually would not work well but in fact it was super easy and worked just as well if not better then in person because Roli had to get used to only me being in the room doing the training. The first session was a little difficult but after that it all ironed out.

I cannot stress enough how hesitant I was that the training would even work with Roli -- I was sure she was beyond help. But it really does work if you stick with it!